Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Grandmother Nina calls Brooklyn "Windy" because she's gotten so chatty lately. She really changes the volume of her voice and seems like she tries to imitate our voices, with nuances and such. It's really fascinating how far she's come in 4 short months! We're learning that she'll be very outgoing with us, but strangers have a hard time getting a big reaction out of her. She also doesn't perform for the camera willingly. In fact, as you'll see, she stops what she's doing when she notices that it's pointed at her!

So, here's a little video inspired by her "windiness" this morning...

Brooklyn is at Marla's right now, a sort of test run before I have to leave her all day on the 14th. This is really going to be harder than I thought! I guess I'm just really glad I'm taking lots of pictures and capturing video of her before she is grown, which doesn't seem that far down the road!

1 comment:

The Barnyards said...

That is awesome!!!! She is a little talker!