Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I'm pretty excited that I've written a blog for everyday since I started this... but, then, school hasn't started yet! ;) Brooklyn and I have already had so much fun today. The light is so good in the morning, so I took a blanket out to the front yard and we had a little photo shoot. (I think I had more fun than she did, especially when I put her on her tummy and part of her breakfast came up!) But some of them turned out great. Kyle said it best when I showed them to him, "They're all cute because they're Brooklyn. It's just different levels of cuteness." Yeah, it's easy to get good pictures when you've got such a happy baby! So, the slideshow to the right is the pictures I took this morning, and below is a video I edited (my first ever) this morning.

Brooklyn is so much fun! (Brooklyn's wardrobe compliments of Nanna NeeNee! )

Maybe I need to start putting this kind of time into planning for my classes in 2 weeks! :)

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