Wednesday, April 15, 2009

365 days... and counting!

Our little Brooklyn turned One Year Old last Thursday, and we had planned a great outdoor adventure to celebrate: hamburgers, kites, lawn chairs, the whole sha-bang... Then the very chilly rainy weather moved in to hover over and thwart our bliss. After some franctic phone calls, we moved the celebration to our former church, 5 Stones Fellowship, and some very loyal friends followed in-tow. (Thank you, by the way!)

Our friend Ellis grilled the burgers and dogs (arf) and brought them because there was a burn ban in effect. We ate, and ate, then sliced the cake, saving an entire section for Brooklyn. (After all, it IS her day :) Well, just like her daddy, she didn't really want to "dig in." In fact, we got some pictures of her standing for quite some time on one foot because she didn't like the way the icing felt between her toes.

Here are some photos from the party, and thanks again to everyone who came to help us celebrate. Brooklyn is such a big blessing to us, and we really love sharing her with all of you!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!

Thanksgiving 2008...
Uncle Richard bought Brooklyn her first Cowboys' jersey. Cutest little fan I've ever seen! :)

Big Girl Bath

Mike, Kristy and Abby Barnett invited us over for dinner, and Brooklyn got to take a big girl bath with Abby that night... She loved it! And since I was having to mop up a lot of water in the kitchen after her baths in the sink, we thought it might be time to move her into the big girl bathtub. She loves splashing, chewing on her squirt toys, and when Mommy and Daddy squirt her. She's growing up so fast! (Or maybe it just seems that way because she's in the 100% for her height!)

(That's my hand on the left... creepy looking!)

We noticed Brooklyn was squealing... after further investigation, we realized she could see herself in the round, silver plate. She was crackin' herself up!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Balloon Festival Fun

Sugar Brown's had a booth at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival, and Kyle left last Friday to help work at it... He was gone such a long time! So, Bookens and I decided to ride with Margie for a visit. The drive wasn't so long, and we were so glad to see daddy when we got there!

It was interesting, however, trying to do our normal routine in a strange place. We didn't have her high chair so I placed some pillows into a make-shift circle and covered them with a towel to feed Brooklyn her baby food. She did really well... The next day, Marla offered for us to use her little booster seat! Much easier! :)

Here's a little video that I took of Brooklyn and me playing with her rattle ball. She's so adorable, and even though I'm a little biased, I think you'll agree!

September 9, 2008

Brooklyn turned 5 months old on September 9th and was so ready for some baby food! We tried green beans first...

Then she gets a bath...
(She sure loves the little duckie Nanna bought her!)

Then we tried some carrots, and boy, does she love 'em! (And yes, they do stain!)

And another bath... With some new toys. This is the bath Nanna gave her while she was in town.

We've also tried Butternut Squash, Peas, and Sweet Potatoes. No fruit yet, but soon... :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

August 9.2008

Brooklyn turned 4 months old on August 9th, and we gave her cereal for the first time. Thought I'd share this cute video of her. She's such a good sport, always willing to try something new!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Church

So what exactly does church look like when you read scripture and live it out?

I've noticed that the milestones in my life are not based on circumstances but are erected based on burning questions like this. And my life usually takes a dramatic turn once I've resolved what I think about it. So, the church... First of all, I must clarify that there is a very real difference between "church" and "the church." The former is a collection of philosophies, services, programs and usually a huge building. The latter is a beautiful collection of broken people being repaired by the blood of the Lamb, who seek to do God's will. The church is Jesus' bride, and she is Methodist, Baptist, Episcopal, Non-denominational... She is... what she is. I've come to detest "church," but have just recently learned to love "the church" again. (Which is good since I'm a part of her!)

No real answers here. But I've just been thinking a lot about what God had in mind when he lead the first believers thru Acts. I can't help but think that over 400 churches for a city of 225,000 isn't it. Or millions of dollars spent on stained glass windows and cushy chairs instead of food, clothing and shelter for "the least of these." I don't have it figured out, but I'm not dumb. The western church isn't doing what's best for the Kingdom.

We got some news today that the owner of a few apt complexes here in Lubbock wants our help (encounterGod's help) in starting some "home" churches. I think this might be closer to what God intended: every person gets an opportunity to use his gifts, people are very much in-tune with the needs of each other, and they are living in community, sharing life in close proximity. I don't think God ever wanted us to only see each other, our church, for a couple hours every sunday and maybe an hour small group on tuesday night. No, I think it was His intention for us to keep each other accountable, to serve together, to lessen each other's burdens and pray for each other. I'm not sure where God will take us, but I know it ultimately ends with His Church, His Bride, in Unity.