Thursday, October 16, 2008

Balloon Festival Fun

Sugar Brown's had a booth at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival, and Kyle left last Friday to help work at it... He was gone such a long time! So, Bookens and I decided to ride with Margie for a visit. The drive wasn't so long, and we were so glad to see daddy when we got there!

It was interesting, however, trying to do our normal routine in a strange place. We didn't have her high chair so I placed some pillows into a make-shift circle and covered them with a towel to feed Brooklyn her baby food. She did really well... The next day, Marla offered for us to use her little booster seat! Much easier! :)

Here's a little video that I took of Brooklyn and me playing with her rattle ball. She's so adorable, and even though I'm a little biased, I think you'll agree!

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