Wednesday, April 15, 2009

365 days... and counting!

Our little Brooklyn turned One Year Old last Thursday, and we had planned a great outdoor adventure to celebrate: hamburgers, kites, lawn chairs, the whole sha-bang... Then the very chilly rainy weather moved in to hover over and thwart our bliss. After some franctic phone calls, we moved the celebration to our former church, 5 Stones Fellowship, and some very loyal friends followed in-tow. (Thank you, by the way!)

Our friend Ellis grilled the burgers and dogs (arf) and brought them because there was a burn ban in effect. We ate, and ate, then sliced the cake, saving an entire section for Brooklyn. (After all, it IS her day :) Well, just like her daddy, she didn't really want to "dig in." In fact, we got some pictures of her standing for quite some time on one foot because she didn't like the way the icing felt between her toes.

Here are some photos from the party, and thanks again to everyone who came to help us celebrate. Brooklyn is such a big blessing to us, and we really love sharing her with all of you!

1 comment:

The Minz said...

I almost fell out of my chair when I saw you posted something! Great pictures! By the way, we got her the shape thingy in the pink bag!