Thursday, October 16, 2008

Balloon Festival Fun

Sugar Brown's had a booth at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival, and Kyle left last Friday to help work at it... He was gone such a long time! So, Bookens and I decided to ride with Margie for a visit. The drive wasn't so long, and we were so glad to see daddy when we got there!

It was interesting, however, trying to do our normal routine in a strange place. We didn't have her high chair so I placed some pillows into a make-shift circle and covered them with a towel to feed Brooklyn her baby food. She did really well... The next day, Marla offered for us to use her little booster seat! Much easier! :)

Here's a little video that I took of Brooklyn and me playing with her rattle ball. She's so adorable, and even though I'm a little biased, I think you'll agree!

September 9, 2008

Brooklyn turned 5 months old on September 9th and was so ready for some baby food! We tried green beans first...

Then she gets a bath...
(She sure loves the little duckie Nanna bought her!)

Then we tried some carrots, and boy, does she love 'em! (And yes, they do stain!)

And another bath... With some new toys. This is the bath Nanna gave her while she was in town.

We've also tried Butternut Squash, Peas, and Sweet Potatoes. No fruit yet, but soon... :)